This Dietitian Boss Made $1000 In 3 Days Using Social Media!

Episode #211

Guest Host Yaa Boayke interviewed Dietitian Boss Julia Dugas. Julia is a registered dietitian nutritionist and personal trainer from Minnesota. She spent years in the health and fitness industry before realizing that women needed a new approach that encompassed their relationship with food, not just food itself. She is passionate about keeping things fun and sassy, and helping women put an end to their out-of-control cravings once and for all. 

ā€œMy only regret with signing up for business coaching is that I didn't sign up sooner!ā€ -Julia Dugas 

A few topics discussed:

  • What her IG feed and content looked like before she became a Dietitian Boss
  • The type of client she works with in her private practice 
  • Being laid off during COVID and doing things her way in her business

Guest Resources:

Connect with Julia on Instagram: @cravings.nutritionist  

Free Resources from Libby:

Are you ready to start your journey? Book a call to learn more about the Dietitian Boss Group Coaching program!


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