Market Research Helped Emily Get Clear On Who She Wanted To Serve As A Dietitian Boss!

Episode #204

Guest host Marissa Kai interviewed Emily Parsell for this episode.  Emily is a registered dietitian nutritionist with 6 years of experience. She's worked in various settings from wellness to foodservice and even larger corporations. She's always wanted to own her own business and after COVID forced her to work remotely, she decided the additional time gained, from not having to commute, provided a new opportunity to work towards her dream of owning her own private practice. Emily is passionate about working in women's health and specifically helps women who've lost their period heal their relationship around food in order to recover their natural period and throughout the journey find food freedom.  Emily uses her own personal experience with period recovery, and journey to finding food freedom, to inspire and educate other women how they can do the same to truly become their healthiest selves.

ā€œJust get started! Start posting and see what people comment and use those comments to create your content.ā€ -Emily Parsell 


A few topics discussed:

  • The strategy behind her content
  • Short-term and long-term goals
  • How journaling has helped with mindset shifting 

Guest Resources:

Connect with Emily on Instagram: @chocolateloving.dietitian 

Free Resources from Libby:

Are you ready to start your journey? Apply today for my Dietitian Boss Group Coaching program!


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