Food Freedom and Performance Panel

Episode #200

On today's panel, we have Kristy Baumann. She's a registered dietitian, marathon runner, wife and mama to a toddler. Kristy is a small town girl who never thought she'd enjoy living in a big city and an ice cream lover who grew up as a picky eater and became a veggie lover and the back of the pack high school runner who was pushing her limits to break three hours in the marathon. Now she uses her personal experiences to inspire other female runners to nourish their bodies without restriction. She teaches them to reframe their mindset around food and use food as fuel through sports nutrition and intuitive eating practices. Her clients are not only reaching their performance goals, but also improving their lifestyle. We also have Cortney Berling. She's a registered dietitian, an avid runner as well. She's a new mom and military spouse. After having her daughter nine months ago, she opted not to return to her previous job at a diabetes center. Instead, she has started her own virtual nutrition coaching practice. Cortney loves being able to mesh her love of running and nutrition to help female runners learn how to fuel their bodies right to avoid harmful impacts of under fueling. She's on a mission to help change the mindset that runners have to be thin to win.

Guest Resources:

Connect with Kristy on Instagram: @marathon.nutritionist

Connect with Cortney on Instagram: @eatwell.runbetter

Free Resources from Libby:

Are you ready to start your journey? Apply today for my Dietitian Boss Group Coaching program!


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