Leah’s Story Of Joining The Dietitian Boss Program & Starting Her Private Practice

Episode #196

Yaa Boayke talks with Leah Tarleton in today’s episode.  Leah is a former clinical registered dietitian, turned self-described "eco-dietitian" and entrepreneur. After obtaining her Master's in Nutrition Diagnostics in 2017, she began working in long-term-care as a clinical nutrition manager. After 1.5 years in this role, Leah found herself asking what she really wanted out of her career and started working with a career coach to help her uncover her greatest passion in her work as a dietitian. After much searching, Leah landed on her personal nutrition philosophy: a combination of food as medicine and planetary health through plant-based eating. As someone who has struggled greatly with anxiety, despite ambitious goals, Leah now helps women just like her use food to improve their anxiety, so they can focus on achieving the goals that matter most to them.

“I decided I wasn’t going to go back to clinical and instead, create something that would be meaningful to me, so I joined the Dietitian Boss program.” -Leah Tarleton

A few topics discussed:

  • Niching down & getting clear once she joined the group program
  • Using creativity to develop her social media content
  • The unemployment journey and how it shaped her mindset

Guest Resources:

Connect with Leah on Instagram:@anxiety.nutritionist

Free Resources from Libby:

Are you ready to start your journey? Apply today for my Dietitian Boss Group Coaching program!



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