She Never Thought She Could Be Her Own Private Practice Boss, But Here She Is!

Episode #189

Yaa Boayke talks with Natalie Trapasso on today’s episode.  Natalie is a Registered Dietitian out of Buffalo, NY. Growing up she struggled with her own weight and relationship with food, starting her first diet at age 12. She became a Dietitian to help women lose weight without trying insane diets and the struggle of not knowing what to eat. She identifies as a "Lazy Girl" and has made it her mission to make weight loss as efficient and simple as possible. 

I became a dietitian to help people. And the people that I want to help are not in hospitals and nursing homes. They're out in the community. I want to help people that want my help. And that is what pushed me to start my private practice!” -Natalie Trapasso


A few topics discussed:

  • Money she’s made in her Private Practice
  • Starting her group coaching program
  • Working for someone else & how it didn’t align with her goals


Guest Resources:

Connect with Natalie on Instagram: @lazygirl.weightloss

Free Resources from Libby:

Are you ready to start your journey? Apply today for my Dietitian Boss Group Coaching program!



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