Randi Puts Her Personality Into Her Marketing Strategy Which Allows Her to Connect with Her Clients, Built on The Know-Like-Trust Level!

Episode #171

Yaa Boayke gets to interview Randi Karlinsky in today’s episode.  Randi is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Certified Personal Trainer from the suburbs of Chicago. She spent a year in bariatric surgery followed by 5 years in corporate wellness. After getting furloughed and ultimately losing her job to COVID, while pregnant with her first child, Randi decided it was time to start her private practice. She focuses on helping women with a history of yoyo-dieting break out of the cycle by simplifying weight loss through portions and an all foods fit approach. Randi strongly believes in the body positive movement and loves helping her clients find ways to appreciate their bodies at all sizes regardless of weight loss goals.

“There's nothing wrong with making a lot of money.  If you're putting the work into growing a business, that's something to be proud of.  As long as you put your mind to it and work hard, there's no amount that you can't make.  You deserve to make your worth.” -Randi Karlinksy

Topics Covered:

  • Effects of COVID on planning 
  • Building a business as an expectant mom
  • Giving yourself grace & moving at your own pace
  • Showing up and showing your personality 

Guest Resources:

Connect with Randi on Instagram: @randelish.nutritionist

Free Resources from Libby:

Are you ready to start your journey? Apply today for my Dietitian Boss Group Coaching program!


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