Mya Builds A Connection With Her Clients Through Consistency & Always Showing Up!

Episode #163

Marissa Kai gets to have a conversation with Mya Kwon in today’s episode. Mya is a non-diet Dietitian, who finds the title "Food and Body Therapist" to better describe what she does. Maya specializes in helping chronic yoyo-dieters break up with the diet culture, learn how to eat intuitively by listening to their bodies, and heal body image struggles through a health at every size approach.  She is based in Seattle, where she runs a private practice on the side while working full-time at a University where she has a dual role--half-time as a nutrition counselor in the Student Counseling Center and half-time as nutrition faculty for the dietetics department. She is passionate about helping women stop the war against their bodies and make peace with food and body to live their full lives.

“I don't believe that weight should be in the center of nutrition and health and that it can actually do a lot of harm. Instead, look at the whole person..., not just the physical factors, but emotional and mental... prioritizing and protecting that healthy relationship with food and body is so, so important.”-Mya Kwon 

Topics covered:

  • Mindset shifts
  • Creating niche-specific posts for IG
  • How sales calls are really just a conversation
  • Running a successful side business

Guest Resources:

Connect with Mya on Instagram: @foodbody.peace

Free Resources from Libby

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