How Antonella made 4k a month after starting the Dietitian Boss Program

Episode #147

In today’s episode, Antonella Dewell has worked in the field of nutrition research for most of her career. Although she has always loved her job, she didn't feel fulfilled as she wanted to make more direct and immediate impact on people's lives and help them improve their health. A few years ago, she started counseling people one-on-one for a variety of nutrition-related issues. While doing this, it became clear to her how many people were suffering from painful gut symptoms. Antonella saw an opportunity to make a much bigger impact on the lives of so many. She specializes in a low FODMAP diet for people with IBS. Now Antonella helps women with IBS find relief from bloating, excess gas, constipation, diarrhea and abdominal pain eat a variety of healthy foods without fear, and live a life free of the constraints these symptoms pose every day, meaning not being able to socialize, travel, exercise and more.

“Before I started with you, making with those single sessions. I was making less than a thousand dollars a month. And in the past two months I made... This month I made $4,000 and in June I made a little over $4,000.” - Antonella Dewell

In today’s episode…

  • How Antonella reframed her mindset
  • Identifying blocks to your creative process
  • How Antonella made 4k in one month after starting her Dietitian Boss Program!

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Two Step

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