How Katie Gill went from making 5k to 10k each month after starting the Dietitian Boss Method!

Episode #145

In today’s episode, Libby is talking with Katie Gill. Katie is a registered dietitian nutritionist. She helps busy professionals lose weight and ditch emotional eating, without following rigid meal plans. Katie cares deeply about teaching clients how to feel confident with their food choices, regardless if they are eating at home, on a plane, or happy hour. It’s an area in her own life that she struggled with for many years. In her teens, Katie went on her first diet. What started out as a simple idea to shed a few pounds, turned into a decade of a complicated relationship with food. She remembers being so confused, about which diet would be best for her. She tried them all, but never found one that she could maintain. Now, a decade later Katie found a style of eating she can easily maintain, at her desired weight, while still enjoying life! She has coached hundreds of clients to do the same.

“Just like I tell my clients, there's never a perfect time of year to lose weight. It's challenging and easy equal parts of all seasons. It's the same with this. Set yourself up, make a three month plan at the bare minimum, but just start.” - Katie Gill

In today’s episode…

  • Katie has increased her number of weekly discovery calls by 50%
  • Why dietitians struggle with setting higher standards
  • How Katie used her experience in clinical to really define her ideal client

Guest Resources:

Instagram: @KatieGillWellness

Free Resources from Libby

Are you ready to start your journey? Apply today for my Dietitian Boss Group Coaching program!


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