How Megan aligned her instagram content to address the specific concerns of her ideal client

Episode #138

In today’s episode, guest host Marissa Kai is talking with Megan Antony Placa. Megan is a licensed dietitian nutritionist who empowers women to be strong by using food as fuel to get the most out of their strength training workouts. Her mission is to help women build strong, healthy bodies so they can become confident and feel more powerful in their lives. As a woman who has completed six power lifting competitions and strength trains regularly, she's passionate about performance nutrition. Megan is the author of Push Past Perfect, an inspirational self help book about overcoming perfectionism with nutrition and fitness. She lives in New Jersey with her husband and two teenage kids and practices nutrition virtually for clients worldwide.

You have to be putting out things that are aligned with a specific problem that you're trying to solve, and that has made a huge difference. So even when I look at my carefully designed grid for the first few months of the year compared to what it is now, there's a huge difference, and it's made such a bigger impact.” - Megan Placa

In today’s episode…

  • The importance of consistency when posting on social media
  • How Megan got comfortable with feeling uncomfortable, and the confidence this mindset shift has inspired!

Guest Resources:

Connect with Megan: @powerlifting.nutritionist

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