How Melissa Landry focuses on Health at Every Size (HAES) as a Dietitian Boss

Episode #137

Melissa Landry is a Boston-based nutrition therapist and intuitive eating coach who supports women in bigger bodies in finding food freedom. Melissa manages an online Instagram community @no.more.guilt and co-hosts the podcast Break the Diet Cycle, which inspires women across the country to be the first in their family to stop dieting and body image concerns from passing through the generations, just like she is. Inspired by her mother's stories, Melissa's weight-inclusive framework addresses the unique challenges and experiences women in bigger bodies face as they pursue food freedom. Melissa's mom was prescribed and encouraged to pursue weight loss diets since her teens that continually worsened her relationship with food and her bigger body. Because of how society treats size, Melissa's mom has faced bullying, discrimination, and accessibility issues that further challenged her self-worth. Now, 65 years old, her mother still struggles to find food peace. Melissa believes we can break the diet cycle for women of all sizes through inclusivity and acceptance by boldly addressing the impact of weight stigma on the individual food freedom process. Welcome to today's episode. I'm really excited and looking forward to diving in.

“Anyone can adopt the Health at Every Size paradigm and philosophy. It's almost like a lens through which you see your work. Someone who doesn't have a HAES lens may do the exact same types of counseling or interaction, but they're not going to be pushed to think about how social forces are impacting that individual. “ Melissa Landry

In today’s episode…

  • What exactly is HAES?
  • How starting her private practice allowed Melissa to better incorporate a HAES philosophy in her work with clients

Guest Resources:

Connect with Melissa on Instagram: @no.more.guilt

Free Resources from Libby

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