How Stephanie started her business after 10 years of clinical, and succeeded!

Episode #135

In today’s episode, Guest Host Marissa is speaking with Stephanie Lauri. Stephanie is a registered dietician, certified lactation educator, and a mom of a toddler, expecting her second baby any day now, located in Orange County, California. She's been practicing as a pediatric dietitian for the past five years. However, through her first pregnancy, she was surprised at the minimal focus there was on nutrition during this critical life stage. As a dietician, she was sought out by other pregnant friends for her guidance. It was then she knew she wanted to become a resource for pregnant women worldwide to gain confidence in their food choices throughout their own pregnancy journey. She now helps pregnant women across the world who struggle with anxiety and uncertainty around knowing what to eat feel confident and empowered in their food choices for both mom and baby and feel their best throughout their pregnancy.

“I think the top two tips here are shifting your mindset and then knowing that when people pay, they commit. It's our own limiting belief.” - Stephanie Lauri

In today’s episode…

  • Keep it simple when speaking to your ideal clients
  • Why it’s so important to understand YOUR why

Guest Resources:

IG: @pregnancy_nutritionist

Free Resources from Libby

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