How Stephanie used her experience as a former high school athlete to inspire her niche

Episode #134

In today’s episode, Guest Host Yaa is speaking with Stephanie May. Stephanie is a sports dietitian who specializes in helping high school athletes prevent under-fueling, which can set them back in their performance, impact their growth and increase their risk of injury. She helps athletes create a routine around their nutrition choices so they can gain muscle strength, support their bone health, improve their endurance, and ultimately reach their performance goals.

I had to find one thing, hone in on it and just perfect that one thing and really hit it out of the park. And so that has really been my big focus with my business is just making sure that I'm being consistent with showing my face on Instagram, my offer, and just being there for clients. - Stephanie May

In today’s episode…

  • How Stephanie used her competitive nature as an athlete to inspire her work as a Dietitian Boss
  • Committing to just one thing each day to make goals achievable
  • How switching from phone to zoom for sales calls changed her sales conversion rate

Guest Resources:

IG: @fueling.highschool.athletes.

Free Resources from Libby

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