How Alessandra made $2500 within 30 days of starting her Instagram account!

Episode #130

In today’s episode, Libby is speaking with registered dietitian Alesandra Magisano.

Alessandra Magisano is a registered dietitian from Toronto, Canada. She specializes and works predominantly with those affected by eating disorders or disordered eating, and is an advocate for food freedom and balanced relationships with food. Alessandra has worked in various settings supporting those with eating disorders and disordered eating, working to help people find balance and peace by getting off the restrict/binge/purge cycle and avoid guilt and shame associated with food through nutrition counseling and rehabilitation. She is interested in understanding how one’s relationship with food can have widespread effects on quality of life, nourishment, and mental health. 

“You can start from nothing. I'm proof, quite literally. It doesn't have to be this grand thing. You can just keep going, and it can build. Just invest in yourself. You can do it.” Alessandra Magisano

In today’s episode…

  • How niching down helped Alessandra create more effective content for social media
  • Investing in yourself is essential to finding success

Guest Resources:

IG: @eating.disorder.nutritionist

Free Resources from Libby

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