How Kirsty Seward used the pandemic to slow down, reflect, and refocus

Episode #128

In today’s episode, Libby is talking with Kirsty Seward. Kirsty graduated in 2012 and started her own practice in 2013. Growing up she developed a passion for nutrition while spending quality time cooking with her Nan. Over the past few months Kirsty has niched down her practice and focuses on helping women break diet culture and find food freedom. She believes nutrition should be simple and food should bring enjoyment not fear. 

“I believe in celebrating all wins even if they're small compared to my final goal. And I think every step of the process should be celebrated, even if it's just booking one discovery call or writing one module out of the 10 modules that I want to release. I think every step should be celebrated because that's when you keep momentum going.” - Kirsty Seward

In today’s episode…

  • How Kirsty reframed her mindset during a global pandemic, and found success!
  • Why it’s important to celebrate all wins, even the small ones
  • The importance of who you surround yourself with 
  • Overcoming nerves to #showyourface

Guest Resources:

Connect with Kristy on IG: @kirstyseward

Free Resources from Libby

Are you ready to start your journey? Apply today for my Dietitian Boss Group Coaching program!


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