Practicing what you Preach with Yaa Boakye

Episode #127

In today’s episode, Libby is talking with Priscilla Blevins. Yaa Boakye is a certified personal trainer and a nutrition and dietetics certificate candidate. She also holds a BS in Communication from Northwestern University. She has spent the last ten years as a wellness entrepreneur in various roles; in-home personal trainer, group fitness instructor, resting metabolic rate practitioner, body fat testing practitioner and wellness coach at a therapeutic wellness facility.

Through her varied job titles over the years, her mission has remained the same: to help people lose weight by teaching them calorie counting. She’s currently putting all her energy towards helping 1000s of couples lose weight using her calorie counting secrets; in doing so, they will have the skills to incorporate the foods they love without guilt. 


“You don't want to think of yourself as a $10,000 company or a side-go company. Go big or go home because this could be something that can retire you and whatever job you're working at currently could be your side income. But if you go in with a side income mentality, you're going to walk away dropping this thing like a bag of rocks two months down the line.” - Yaa Boakye

In today’s episode…

  • How confidence has played a huge role in Yaa’s success
  • The importances of checks and balances
  • How Yaa determines where to put her energy when it comes to developing programs
  • Simple workflows and how they can shift the image of your business

Guest Resources:

Instagram: @couples.nutritionist



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