Creating Content for your Ideal Client with Meredith Bilsky

Episode #121

In today’s episode, Lauren Smith is speaking with Meredith Bilsky. Meredith is a virtual dietitian helping women break the yo-yo dieting cycle so they can reach their weight loss goals. Meredith is passionate about helping women achieve their weight loss goals because she knows what it's like to feel miserable, anxious, and frustrated while trying to lose weight. After suffering a foot injury that ended her running career, Meredith gained weight during high school and college, which triggered years of yo-yo dieting and food anxiety before she finally lost 30 pounds by eating balanced, consistent meals and following a flexible weight loss plan. Now, Meredith empowers and educates women to break their yo-yo dieting cycle and eat in a way that promotes both healthy, sustainable weight loss and a healthy life.

I'm always reviewing my posts and which ones do better, which ones really connected with my target audience and which ones maybe didn't as much. That's what Instagram is about, connecting with your audience, communicating with them, whether it's in comments or DMS.” - Meredith Bilsky

In today’s episode…

  • The importance of consistency when it comes to posting on social media
  • Showing up and showing your face to help build client confidence
  • Clarifying your message and adjusting it to fit your ideal client
  • You are going to be imperfect sometimes, but that can’t stop you from showing up!

Guest Resources:

Connect with Meredith on Instagram 

Free Resources from Libby

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