The Importance of Market Research when Identifying Your Ideal Client with Emily Apitz

Episode #118

Have you identified your ideal client?

In today’s episode, Libby is talking with Emily Apitz. Emily is a registered dietitian born and raised in the Midwest. She's a toddler mom to her energetic 18 month old and is working nine to five in a hospital and five to nine on her side hustle. Emily uses her own experience of losing weight while exclusively breastfeeding her son to help other moms who want to lose weight, but are afraid of losing their breast milk supply. She uses a balanced approach to weight loss using flexible dieting so that her clients can lose weight without feeling deprived. She is passionate about breastfeeding and also acts as a support person for her clients when breastfeeding gets tough. 

“I think it's important to know what your ideal client's biggest problem is. If you're generally speaking to a group of people, no one's going to reach out. They're going to think that you're talking to someone else, so you need to be very specific.” - Emily Apitz

In today’s episode…

  • Hear about Emily’s lightbulb moment when she realized she didn’t have to stay in clinical
  • Understanding the importance of market research when uncovering your ideal client
  • The importance of consistency and vulnerability
  • How showing your face creates trust

Guest Resources:

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