How Dietitian Boss Bonnie Roney started in her business and where she is now a year later.

Episode #112

You’ve decided to start your virtual practice and now what? Are you feeling afraid to take the plunge and go full-time because you worry that you won’t make enough?

In today’s episode, cohost Bonnie Roney is talking about where she started and where she is now! Bonnie started working with Libby in early 2019 and has since left her full-time job to finally be her own boss! Now she is going to walk you through how that has gone this past year!

“So I remember when I first started out, I was definitely not making a profit in the beginning, which is fine.” - Bonnie Roney

In today’s episode…

  • Where she was when she started in early 2019?
  • What she feels is the most important thing to focus on when starting out?
  • What costs are associated with starting a virtual practice?
  • Why it’s ok to change what you are doing in your business?
  • How changing her niche has helped her business?
  • When did she start to see a profit in her business?

Guest Resources:

Connect with Bonnie on Instagram


Free Resources from Libby


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