Why you need to be an action taker and put yourself out there with Vanessa Hummel

Episode #109

Are you an action taker? Are you putting yourself out there every day to connect with your ideal client? Have you seen others having success but are still afraid to #showyourface? Now is the time to be an action taker! 

In today’s episode of Dietitian Boss Libby is talking with Vanessa Hummel. Vanessa is an Australian accredited practicing dietitian and certified IBS and FODMAP expert dietitian. She specializes in helping women with IBS overcome their struggles with bloating, constipation, and diarrhea.

 “One thing I thought that I would never be doing is doing a little mini photoshoot at home for photos to capture and things like that.” - Vanessa Hummel


In today’s episode…

  • What her nutrition philosophy is?
  • What her journey has been and how she got into gut health?
  • Where she started out and where she is now?
  • How her clients have evolved because of her messaging?
  • How her personal story has helped to strengthen her message?
  • What her process was for creating her offer?
  • What her Instagram looked like before versus now?


Guest Resources:

Connect with Vanessa on Instagram

Free Resources from Libby

Are you ready to start your journey? Apply today for my Dietitian Boss Group Coaching program!



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