What steps you need to take when starting your business with Lauren Smith

Episode #103

Have you been looking for motivation in growing your business and becoming a Dietitian Boss? Do you want to know the steps you could take financially to set yourself up for success?

In today’s episode, co host Lauren Smith talks about the steps she took when she was first starting her business and where she is today. So if you are lacking motivation you don’t want to miss this episode!

“So it is completely possible to not only make that much money, but more with nutrition coaching.” - Lauren Smith

In today’s episode…

  • Why should you consult with a CPA?
  • How important having a support system is?
  • What she wishes she knew when she was first starting out?
  • What made her want to leave the clinical work?
  • Where she started and where she is now?
  • What is the most important thing you need to do starting out?
  • How to decide the best time to go full-time?


Guest Resources:

Connect with Lauren on Instagram

Free Resources from Libby

Are you ready to start your journey? Apply today for my Dietitian Boss Group Coaching program!


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