How to go full-time in your private practice even during a pandemic with Abigail Rapaport

Episode #101

Have you been working your side hustle for a while now? Were you making plans to go full-time and then the pandemic happened so you decided it would be better to wait? Here is what one dietitian boss did to go full-time even though there is a pandemic and you can do it too!

In today’s episode, Libby is talking with Abigail Rapaport. Abigail is a registered dietitian from New York City and she went to NYU for graduate school. Abigail worked in the clinical setting for six years and had a side hustle private practice. She is her own boss now with her private practice, Abigail Nutrition, full time

“I like to work hard and I also like to enjoy my life. So thankfully, I picked a passion career that I love to do, so I'm able to tie the two together.” - Abigail Rapaport


In today’s episode…

  • What has helped her create her business and get to this point?
  • How she got clients while still working in her full-time clinical job?
  • How did she change from in-person to 100% virtual?
  • What made her want to leave the clinical work?
  • How she approaches goals in business and in life?
  • What helped her get clear with her ideal client?
  • What her biggest challenge was in creating her offer?

Guest Resources:

Connect with Abigail on Instagram


Free Resources from Libby

Are you ready to start your journey? Apply today for my Dietitian Boss Group Coaching program!


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