Why you should consider using video in your content creation with Rebecca Henson

Episode #99

Are you working on building the know, like, and trust with your ideal client? Have you considered using video? Are you worried about getting on video in front of people? With a little practice, it can definitely increase your reach to your ideal client!

In today’s episode, Lauren is talking with Rebecca Henson. Rebecca Henson is a registered dietitian and physical therapist who teaches the truths and misconceptions about cravings, self-care, food, and how to optimize hormone levels so that ladies can lose weight for good while living their best lives.

“What's happening for me actually seems to be that I am attracting what's even probably better than clients right now is referral partners” - Rebecca Henson


In today’s episode…

  • What her nutrition philosophy is?
  • How long it took to narrow down her niche?
  • How having a nonjudgemental approach has helped her brand?
  • What tips she would give to someone struggling to get clients?
  • How doing video has helped her build the know, like, and trust?
  • What her social media looked like then versus now?
  • What her process is for creating content?
  • How knowing her ideal client has helped her to create content?


Guest Resources:

Connect with Rebecca on Instagram


Free Resources from Libby


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