Building the know like and trust with your audience with Bracha Kopstick

Episode #96

Do you have trouble building your audience? You aren’t sure how to really build that know like and trust with them? You really just need to show up and be consistent. Are you hearing what your audience is looking for? Make sure you are giving them solutions!

In today’s episode, Libby is talking with Bracha Kopstick. Bracha is a registered dietitian specializing in adolescent nutrition. Bracha helps parents feel calm and confident with raising adolescents to have a positive relationship with food and their body. Bracha believes that by addressing nutrition messages at the stage of growth, adolescents learn to eat free of guilt and shame, and grow into mature adults with interests that go beyond food and their appearance. 

“Because it is a journey. It is a skill, and it takes time to build that audience. But starting it bit by bit gets you clearer on what your people need.” - Bracha Kopstick


In today’s episode…

  • What her nutrition philosophy is?
  • How her weight-neutral approach is beneficial to the whole family?
  • Where she started out and where she is now with your approach, your business, and even how you market yourself using social media?
  • How she finally decided to get more clear and really hone in on the adolescent?
  • How her niche has evolved?
  • What her strategy is for deciding what to post?
  • What tips she has to build the know like and trust?

Guest Resources:

Connect with Melissa on Instagram

Free Resources from Libby

Are you ready to start your journey? Apply today for my Dietitian Boss Group Coaching program!


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