How to find the time to build the business you want when you are still working with Susan Portz

Episode #94

Are you still working a clinical job but know you need to help other people? Wonder how you can find the time to do it all? Sometimes just prioritizing is all you need to make it all fit into place!

In today’s episode, I’m talking with Susan Portz. She completed her bachelor's degree in the University of Wisconsin-Stout and her dietetic internship and master's degree in dietetics at Mount Mary University. As her career has progressed, she has found a passion for intuitive eating and a desire to build her own private practice that would allow her to practice in the way she desires while living life on her own terms.


“So what I've done is simplified it and turned it into terms that make sense to just anyone that wouldn't even have a nutrition background, which is my ideal client.” - Susan Portz

In today’s episode…

  • What nutrition philosophy?
  • What has helped her create a clear message?
  • How she translates her message on social media to make an impact?
  • What creating an ideal client has brought to her business?
  • How the way people receive her has changed?
  • How she manages her time to grow and still do clinical work?
  • What she would say to someone who might have a tight schedule?
  • How her mindset has changed in her journey?


Guest Resources:

Connect with Susan on Instagram


Free Resources from Libby


Are you ready to start your journey? Apply today for my Dietitian Boss Group Coaching program!



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