How getting vulnerable can help you create content that reaches your ideal client with Mallory Spendlove

Episode #90

Do you have trouble creating content that reaches your ideal clients? Do you struggle with having enough content to keep yourself visible? Sometimes getting a little vulnerable helps to reach the right audience and also gives you the content you need.

In today’s episode of Dietitian Boss, I am talking with Mallory Spendlove. Mallory is the owner of Daily Habits Nutrition. Mallory has been a dietitian for one and a half years and has been working in public health as a diabetes and heart disease project coordinator, where she runs an in-person and online group course to help healthy habits. 

“Yeah. It was almost a night and day difference when I started being more vulnerable and sharing.” - Mallory Spendlove

In today’s episode…

  • What her nutrition philosophy is?
  • What helped her to get to where she is and create her business?
  • How she got more clarity on social media?
  • How her feed has evolved in her business?
  • What has changed in how people receive her?
  • Why vulnerability has helped her business?


Guest Resources:

Connect with Mallory on Instagram


Free Resources from Libby


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