How being more visible on social media can bring more opportunities with Jaqui Plozza

Episode #88

Are you afraid to #showyourface? Do you post inconsistently and wonder if being more consistent is the piece you are missing in building your business? It does help! Listen to one Dietitian Boss and how it has helped her! 

In today’s episode of Dietitian Boss, I am talking with Jaqui Plozza. She has over a decade of experience in the healthcare industry. Jaqui's passionate about putting humor and empathy into health and science writing. And believes that the best way to educate is through fun and connection. Research is great, but only if it's ever read and understood by a room full of researchers.

“I guess I thought back in the day that you needed to be a published author with an actual book on the bookshelf to be a writer. But now I know that's not really true. It's more about the writing, not about necessarily being a writer.” - Jacqui Plozza

In today’s episode…

  • Where she started and where she is now?
  • What authors inspire her?
  • How she has used social media to grow visibility?
  • How she creates content that tells a story and how that has evolved?
  • How she creates content on Instagram?
  • What she did to become intentional in her strategy?
  • What opportunities being more visible on social media has brought?
  • How she would suggest other dietitians get started?


Guest Resources:

Connect with Jacqui on Instagram


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