Going from one on one sessions to an online course with Ryann Kipping

Episode #86

Are you offering one on one sessions? Do you wonder how you can make that change to build a course and reach more people? Here is one Dietitian Bosses journey in doing just that!

In today’s episode, Libby is talking with Ryann Kipping author of The Feelgood Pregnancy cookbook. Aside from one-on-one nutrition counseling, Ryann is the nutrition writer and content creator of the popular Instagram account, Prenatal Nutritionist.

“I needed to kind of have a proven type approach to what I was going to even put in a program and then have enough demand.” - Ryann Kipping


In today’s episode…

  • What has been happening in her journey this past year?
  • How she launched her new online course?
  • How did she know it was time to progress from one on one sessions?
  • Why showing up, being consistent and providing value is so important?
  • What goals she has set for this year?
  • How she wants her future services to look?
  • Has launching the course changed her content and marketing plan?


Guest Resources:

Connect with Ryann on Instagram


Free Resources from Libby

Are you ready to start your journey? Apply today for my Dietitian Boss Group Coaching program!


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