How getting really clear on your niche can help when growing your business with Kirsten Jackson

Episode #85

Do you wonder if you have narrowed down your niche enough? Are you worried about if you narrow down more you won’t be able find enough clients to grow your business? It is possible to get really clear and still grow your business!

In today’s episode, Libby is talking with Kirsten Jackson. Kirsten is a a British consultant, IBS Dietitian and founder of the Food Treatment Clinic. Kirsten originally specialized in gastroenterology and after gaining some clinical experience, she opened the Food Treatment Clinic in 2015 and later niche down into the area of IBS.

 I was charging something like 40 pounds an hour, which is about $60 an hour and thinking I can't believe someone's actually paying for my time and just seeing everything. - Kirsten Jackson


In today’s episode…

  • How her nutrition philosophy?
  • What her journey has been when getting more clear?
  • How long it took and what she realized while working to become more clear?
  • How she got to where she is today and the membership she created?
  • What platforms she is on and where she sells the most?
  • How she uses Instagram as a business tool?
  • How her process for creating content has evolved?


Guest Resources:

Connect with Kirsten on Instagram


Free Resources from Libby


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