How to overcome your fear of showing your face and selling on Instagram with Rachel Everett

Episode #84

Are you worried about showing up on Instagram? Do you think that by using Instagram for sales you may come off as being pushy?

In today’s episode, Bonnie is talking with Rachel Everett.  Rachel is a registered dietitian nutritionist in Dallas, Texas, helping women take back their life from bloat and digestive problems caused by IBS and SIBO. Rachel struggled with her own digestive issues growing up, and dedicated her career to finding answers.

"My niche kind of evolved from seeing, 'Okay, where is my ideal client at, standing in their shoes?'" - Rachel Everett

In today’s episode…

  • What her nutrition philosophy is?
  • Who she currently works with?
  • What her niche was when she first started out?
  • How her niche has evolved since working with Libby?
  • How she has built the know, like and trust factor?
  • How she got over her fear and built her confidence to show her face?
  • What her process is for creating her offer?
  • What tips she has for successfully enrolling clients?

Guest Resources:

Connect with Rachel on Instagram


Free Resources from Libby

Are you ready to start to start selling on Instagram? Check out my 3 Steps to Selling on Instagram today!


50% Complete

Two Step

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