It’s ok that your philosophy changes as you evolve in your business with Zoe Klein

Episode #74

When you started out as a dietetics student you had all these beliefs and theories, but now you are in your business and learning more and more and find those shifting. Do feel like you need to stay with those original beliefs even though it just doesn’t feel right? It really is ok to evolve on all levels while you build your business.


In today’s episode, Libby is talking with Zoe Klein. Zoe is a social worker based in Toronto, Canada working with people struggling with eating disorders, particularly binge eating disorders. She recently came to see that her past binge eating disorder did not hurt her professionally, it actually made her better able to help and motivate people to a full recovery.


So anytime I make a goal, I say, okay, what's my end points? - Zoe Klein


In today’s episode…


  • How did she begin to identify as a healthy at every size practitioner?
  • When she reframed her approach and the shift in how she practiced?
  • What transformation she saw with the patients she helps now?
  • What has helped her create the business she has now?
  • How changing her original niche has helped her Instagram marketing?
  • How connecting with something personal helped her breakthrough imposter syndrome?
  • What her approach to her goals is?
  • What allowed her to really get clear?
  • How she works with other dietitians?


Guest Resources:

Connect with Zoe on Instagram



Free Resources from Libby

Are you ready to start booking amazing clients (who don’t even flinch at your prices)? Check out my FREE Dietitian Boss Basics Workbook!



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