Dealing with imposter syndrome as a business owner with Libby Rothschild

Episode #73

Dealing with imposter syndrome as a business owner with Libby Rothschild – Episode 139


So you have started your business and you’ve seen some success and love being a Dietitian Boss right? Do every find yourself letting that self-doubt creep in? Have that feeling that you really shouldn’t be doing what you are and wondering why people would want to work with you? I just want to let you know you are not alone! Almost all entrepreneurs especially women.

In today’s episode, Libby is talking all about imposter syndrome. What it is, what you can do to help and also sharing insight into others that have been in the same spot. Just know you are not alone in this and you can overcome it!

“Identify that you are two or three steps ahead of the person with a problem that you’re trying to solve.” – Libby Rothschild

In today’s episode…

  • What is imposter syndrome?
  • The mix of feelings when she made the cover of Business Insider?
  • What she did consistently making her stand out?
  • How women constantly undervalue themselves and how to take that first step to overcome that mindset?
  • What are the different levels of imposter syndrome?

Free Resources from Libby

Are you ready to start booking amazing clients (who don’t even flinch at your prices)? Check out my FREE Dietitian Boss Basics Workbook!


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Two Step

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