Why bringing in your spouse can help you build to the next level with Tallene and Sirak Kalaygian

Episode #69

Have you considered asking your spouse to help within your business? Not sure how to ask or if they will want to help? Maybe you spend a lot of time doing tasks that they could be able to take off your plate. You might be surprised at the response you get just by asking for help. You also might be surprised at the level you can take your business by working together.

In today’s episode, Libby is talking with Tallene and Sirak Hacatoryan. In less than a year Tallene and Sirak have built a multi six-figure business offering a membership and courses centered around PCOS and living a gluten and dairy-free lifestyle. We are talking all about how they manage to work together to build their business and how they recently started their podcast A Cyster and her Mister.

“It’s hard as a dietitian sometimes because you don’t want to niche down because it doesn’t make sense.” – Tallene Kalaygian

In today’s episode…

  • How Tallene struggled with PCOS and going gluten and dairy-free?
  • What her content creation process has been like?
  • When Sirak came on to help with content creation?
  • How they have evolved and created their own podcast together?
  • What identifying their own strengths has done for them and working in unison?
  • What their biggest struggle working together has been?
  • How they have been able to create such a strong following?
  • How they were able to build a multi six-figure business in 8 months?


Guest Resources:

Connect with Tallene on Instagram

Podcast A Cyster & Her Mister


Free Resources from Libby

Are you ready to start booking amazing clients (who don’t even flinch at your prices)? Check out my FREE Dietitian Boss Basics Workbook!


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