Knowing you can’t do it all on your own and bringing in others to help with Dr. Heather Finley

Episode #67

Are you ready to start your private practice? Maybe you already have, but find that you are still helping everyone or offering single sessions making it hard to scale? Are you worried that niching down will limit you and keep you from growing?


In today’s episode, Libby is talking with Dr. Heather Finley. Heather founded Nourished Functional Health to provide personalized nutrition and wellness solutions using cutting edge science alongside evidence-based medical nutrition therapy. Heather niched down to gastrointestinal issues due to her own journey with GI issues. Today Heather is breaking down how she niched down and grew in her business.


“Just because you niche to something does not mean that that’s the only thing you’re going to see and the only people that are going to message you” - Dr. Heather Finley


In today’s episode…


  • How Heather went from side work to full-time business?
  • Deciding to change from brick and mortar to virtual.
  • What hiring a contractor has allowed her to do.
  • How her philosophy has changed through the years and transformed her business.
  • Why niching down doesn’t mean it’s the only thing you do?
  • How changing from single session to packages benefits her clients and herself.
  • What has changed in her social media since she started working with Libby.
  • How she manages her time for business and home.


Guest Resources:

Connect with Heather on Instagram

Online course:

Clinician Discovery Call:


Free Resources from Libby

Are you ready to start booking amazing clients (who don’t even flinch at your prices)? Check out my FREE Dietitian Boss Basics Workbook!


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