Becoming the Dietitian Boss you know you were born to be with Lauren Smith

Episode #60

Are you ready to have the business of your dreams? Are you looking to become the Dietitian Boss you know you can be, but find yourself doubting that you can do this full time and create a sustainable income? Well, we are here to tell you this is possible and we want to help you get there!


In today’s episode of Dietitian Boss, I am interviewing Lauren Smith. Lauren is a registered dietitian and founder of The Sorority Nutritionist. We are breaking down how Lauren went from launching her business to full-time Dietitian Boss in just 9 months.

“You have to be yourself and people can see when you're genuine” – Lauren Smith

In today’s episode…

  • What investing with Libby has done for her business goals?
  • How using social media has been pivotal in building her business.
  • How her Instagram has evolved since April.
  • The importance of focusing on one offer at a time.
  • Her challenges with mindset and the need to continually work on it.
  • Overcoming fears of raising prices.

Guest Resources:

Connect with Lauren on Instagram and Facebook

Work with Lauren at Sorority Nutritionist

Don't forget to check out Lauren's previous episode on Dietitian Boss


Free Resources from Libby

Are you ready to start booking amazing clients (who don’t even flinch at your prices)? Check out my FREE Dietitian Boss Basics Workbook!


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