It’s time to stop making excuses and start your business with Libby Rothschild

Episode #59

Do you find yourself making excuses for why you can’t start your business now? Feel like you need to have everything perfect before you can really jump in? You’re not alone, but you can do this even if you feel things are not right yet.

In today’s episode of Dietitian Boss, I am talking with Elena Kunicki and Kaitlyn Allen. Both Elena and Kaitlyn are members of my Dietitian Boss Group that graduates this month and are here to tell you this is possible.

“I became an LLC in July and that was while I was still in my dietetic internship” - Elena Kunicki

In today’s episode…

  • How they started while still being students.
  • What they gained working with Libby in the Dietitian Boss Group.
  • The importance of goal setting and how they go about it to stay on track.
  • How they niched down and being super specific.
  • Using Instagram and how it has evolved since they started.

Guest Resources:

Connect with Elena on Instagram

Connect with Kaitlyn on Instagram


Free Resources from Libby

Are you ready to start booking amazing clients (who don’t even flinch at your prices)? Check out my FREE Dietitian Boss Basics Workbook!


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