Why Your Tribe Matters

Episode #53

Do you ever find yourself looking at other dietitian’s successes and wondering how they got there?  Are you trying to get started on your own while working your clinical job wondering if you will ever be able to quit?

In today’s episode of Dietitian Boss as we are finishing up 2019 and ready to bring in 2020, Libby is breaking down how her clients achieve this every day.

“No matter our experiences, opinions or outlook we are all women” –Tribe of Women

In today’s episode:

  • Common topics Libby hears from other female dietitians.
  • Reflections on past episodes from current and previous clients.
  • The 3 categories she uses to breakdown and help get her clients visible.
  • How collaborations, inspiration and helping your colleagues benefits everyone and builds your tribe.
  • Tips you can use to support, encourage and build each other up.
  • Tips on finding a mentor and what to look for.

Free Resources from Libby

Are you ready to start booking amazing clients (who don’t even flinch at your prices)? Check out my FREE Dietitian Boss Basics Workbook!


Be sure to check out Dietitian Boss Podcast’s previous episode!


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