Growing Your Brand Even With A Small Instagram Feed With Melissa Landry RDN

Episode #48

In today’s episode, I interview Melissa Landry RDN. Melissa is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist who lives in Boston with her husband Dave and Dog Lucy.  Melissa’s mission is to create a world where all women feel free to live in their bodies and be who they are without guilt.  

In this episode, we discuss:

  • How niching down her business and message got her where she is today.
  • How she conquered her fears of what others would think.
  • Her approach to using Instagram as a business tool in the beginning and as she has grown.
  • When she figured out you don’t need to know everything.
  • Why the Food Freedom message resonates with her and how she keeps going.
  • How she uses Instagram for qualified leads and knowing what to say to them.

Guest Resources:


Resources from Libby:

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