Providing Value on Instagram with Heather DiBiasi, MS, RDN

Episode #42

Today’s episode of the Dietitian Boss podcast welcomes Heather DiBiasi, MS, RDN. Heather is a virtual registered dietitian nutritionist based in New York who specializes in helping women lose weight with her low carb approach.


 In this episode, we discuss:

  • What Heather does in her virtual nutrition private practice and how her business has evolved.
  • How Heather transitioned her private practice from in-person to virtual.
  • How to grow your business and build a name for yourself while working another job.
  • Providing value and building your “know, like, and trust” using Instagram.
  • How Heather identified her niche and how it’s evolved over time.
  • Benefits of offering a package and how Heather developed her own packages.


Guest Resources:


Resources from Libby:

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