Networking and Building Visibility with Dawn Jackson Blatner

Episode #41

Today’s episode of the Dietitian Boss podcast welcomes back Dawn Blatner, RD, CSSD to discuss networking and building visibility to grow her business.

Dawn Jackson Blatner is a registered dietitian and certified specialist in sports dietetics. Not only is Dawn the nutrition consultant for the Chicago Cubs, she is also a food and nutrition blogger with Huffington Post, a nutrition expert on the advisory board of SHAPE Magazine, a trusted expert appearing regularly in local and national media outlets, and the author of two award-winning books: The Flexitarian Diet and The Superfood Swap. If that wasn’t impressive enough, Dawn recently starred in the ABC TV show called, My Diet Is Better Than Yours - and won!


 In this episode, we discuss:

  • How Dawn uses the Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo (FNCE) as a business opportunity.
  • The importance of being prepared to network before going to the conference.
  • Why Dawn goes into FNCE with a plan, but stays open to all of the possibilities. 
  • How to leverage Dietetic Practice Groups (DPGs) to meet people in different niches.
  • The importance of going into FNCE with an abundance mindset.


Guest Resources:


Resources from Libby:

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