Communicating Your Message Effectively with Brittany Woodard, RD

Episode #38

In today’s episode I interview Brittany Woodard, a Registered Dietitian and married mom of two little girls. Brittany works full time at a behavioral health hospital that specializes in eating disorders while she grows her body positive mom private practice. In her private practice, Brittany helps moms feel confident in their bodies and find food freedom by using cognitive behavioral therapy.


In this episode, we discuss:

  • What it’s like to work full time, grow a private practice, be married, and raise two kids.
  • The importance of authenticity when growing your private practice.
  • How cognitive behavioural therapy plays a role in the work that Brittany does in helping the moms that she impacts.
  • Tips for listeners who might lack consistency or clarity with their messaging.
  • How to navigate fear, mental roadblocks, and limiting beliefs.
  • How niching down has impacted Brittany and her business. 


Guest Resources:

Resources from Libby:

Want new ideas to grow your nutrition business and private practice?


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