How to Convert Instagram Followers into Paying Clients

Episode #26

In this episode, I answer a question that I got in my direct messages on Instagram.

"Have you done an episode on how to convert instagram followers into paying clients? I feel like you probably have. I get so many questions and I know I am reaching my target audience, but I don't feel like it's translating into paying clients from Instagram. I have some that have found me on Instagram locally, but not so much that aren't local.

When people ask you questions (like I am right now) how are you getting them from your direct messages to being a paying client? I feel like a lot of people in my audience are looking for free advice on Instagram. I love helping, so it's rewarding to serve them, but it's not yielding money."

Check out this blog post for a quick recap of the episode and links to a few handy resources. 


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