[00:00:00] If you ever thought, how should I be factual with my dietitian business? If you're presenting any type of brand logo, or you're working with a food company, maybe you want to present or recommend something when it comes to what to eat for food and supplements with your clients or with your brand online, but you're not sure how to cite references.
[00:00:24] In today's episode, our guest, our team lawyer. Danielle Liss is a guest inside of our Dietitian Boss library, our membership. And so we've pulled an excerpt from that video for members only to share with you to learn about intellectual property and trademarks when it comes to setting up your business for success.
[00:00:44] And one important takeaway here is to make sure that you are being positive because anything negative on the internet, especially if you're Talking about a food brand will exist forever. So listen to today's episode to get some tidbits about how you can set up your dietitian business for [00:01:00] success. And of course, remain legally compliant.
[00:01:03] So when it comes to, so the question is when creating course content for sale, can I take pictures of branded food packaging at the supermarket and include it in my slides? Example, a picture of impossible burger and the label on the back. Is there a difference when it comes to. Posting these pictures as free content such on on social media.
[00:01:20] So it all depends on how you're using it. So this really gets into more of the intellectual property questions. And these are obviously people's potentially their copyrighted content with their labeling and definitely using their trademarks. So what it comes down to is. What are you trying to say? And I think that you need to make sure you're being factual, like, don't use it to trash anything, because that is really where things can get a little bit tricky, because if they say, like, no, now you're basically libeling us, like, no, thank you then that gets a little bit harder.
[00:01:56] But if you are basically using things as [00:02:00] examples, you are not trying to claim that you own or created impossible burger. Then I think those are okay. I think that we see that a lot. Like there's often food swaps, like, I don't know how old everybody is, but like once upon a time to eat this, not that things were like everywhere in the supermarket.
[00:02:19] That's what I was thinking. You know, think of it a little bit like that. If that's what you're doing, I don't have as much of a problem with it. I think that if you're teaching people how to read nutrition labels, and that's really where it's coming into play, like looking for ingredients, looking for you know, what nutrients do you need in your diet?
[00:02:38] Like, is there something hidden? You can probably tell I've gone through like the gamut with gut stuff because I always know that. So like, if you're like, no, chicory root might bother your stomach, look for that. Cause that is the thing I have to look for. Like. Those things I think are all really reasonable.
[00:02:55] If you're teaching about low FODMAP and saying, you know, these are sneaky places where they might not list [00:03:00] garlic and onion. That's all super, super reasonable. It's, I would, I'm always cautious if you're giving something really negative about stuff, like look. Just be careful and I think that that's when you're talking negatively about anything online just because everything lives forever.
[00:03:20] But that I, I don't have an issue with you. referencing other companies, giving swaps, giving, you know, information, giving them just ways to be better consumers, both of with their money and what they're putting into their body. That's great. Cause I know some of our clients that are creating a digital course you know, I, I don't know specifically what the topic is on the course that she's creating.
[00:03:46] Hopefully that clarifies for them of what they can and can't do. When they're putting that together. So that was everything on the list. Does anybody have any last questions or does that make anything come to mind, Danielle, that we would have missed? I mean, you've covered so [00:04:00] many great things.
[00:04:01] A special thanks to our team lawyer, Danielle Liss. You can also find her on our website at dietitianboss. com and the resources tab listed under legal. Now, Danielle is a regular guest inside of our paid membership. At dietitian boss.com called the library. Now inside of the library, you will have access to live trainings from Danielle List and other amazing people such as accountants, finance and reimbursement dietitians who can help you learn what you need to do to set up and grow your business.
[00:04:32] With success, now we know it's important to be compliant and navigate some of that gray area and that territory when it comes to. legalities online that can be confusing, which is why we so much hope that you enjoyed today's episode. And we have more coming with clips and information from legal so that you can stay compliant and make sure that you're staying abreast of everything you need to know to make sure you're setting up your dietitian business for success.
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