Dietitian Boss with Libby Rothschild

Dietitian Boss with Libby Rothschild

Hosted by: Libby Rothschild

Dietitian Boss is a podcast created by Libby Rothschild registered dietitian and founder of Dietitian Boss. This show is meant to inspire you to start and grow your private practice leveraging the power of social...

All Episodes


Building the know like and trust with your audience with Bracha Kopstick

Episode #96

Do you have trouble building your audience? You aren’t sure how to really build that know like and trust with them? You really just need to show up and be consistent. Are you hearing what your audience is looking for?...
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Creating a profitable business in less than the three years people say it takes with Melissa Groves Azzaro

Episode #95

Have you been told that it takes at least three years to be profitable in a nutrition business? Does the thought of that make you second guess starting your business? It doesn’t have to be that way! You can create a...
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How to find the time to build the business you want when you are still working with Susan Portz

Episode #94

Are you still working a clinical job but know you need to help other people? Wonder how you can find the time to do it all? Sometimes just prioritizing is all you need to make it all fit into place! In today’s...
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Why it is important to become a resource for your audience with Liz Bissell

Episode #93

Are you trying to find a way to connect with your audience? Have you told them your story to build the connection? Do you want to position yourself to be a resource for them? In today’s episode, Libby is talking with...
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Going from side hustle to a coaching business with Tamara Rizkalla

Episode #92

Do you currently have a side hustle that you love? Do you find yourself dreaming of the day that it becomes a full-time business? It is possible to make that dream a reality and today we’re going to talk with one...
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How to turn coming up with content into something fun to do with Brittany Woodard

Episode #91

Do you have trouble coming up with your content? Find the task daunting so you put it off? Maybe you have so many passions you find it hard to focus on one? In today’s episode, Libby is talking with Brittany Woodard....
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How getting vulnerable can help you create content that reaches your ideal client with Mallory Spendlove

Episode #90

Do you have trouble creating content that reaches your ideal clients? Do you struggle with having enough content to keep yourself visible? Sometimes getting a little vulnerable helps to reach the right audience and...
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The importance of negotiating your worth with Bonnie Roney

Episode #89

Are you ready to quit your full time job? Do you find yourself worrying if you are making enough to do it? Are you worried that you won’t be able to consistently make enough to make that leap? It is possible and it...
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How being more visible on social media can bring more opportunities with Jaqui Plozza

Episode #88

Are you afraid to #showyourface? Do you post inconsistently and wonder if being more consistent is the piece you are missing in building your business? It does help! Listen to one Dietitian Boss and how it has helped...
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When you know clinical is not for you what do you do with Alma Simmons

Episode #87

Are you still in school and know clinical is not where you want to be? Do you dream of creating a business that truly aligns with your passions? In today’s episode of Dietitian Boss, I am talking with Alma Simmons....
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Going from one on one sessions to an online course with Ryann Kipping

Episode #86

Are you offering one on one sessions? Do you wonder how you can make that change to build a course and reach more people? Here is one Dietitian Bosses journey in doing just that! In today’s episode, Libby is talking...
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How getting really clear on your niche can help when growing your business with Kirsten Jackson

Episode #85

Do you wonder if you have narrowed down your niche enough? Are you worried about if you narrow down more you won’t be able find enough clients to grow your business? It is possible to get really clear and still grow...
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