Dietitian Boss with Libby Rothschild

Dietitian Boss with Libby Rothschild

Hosted by: Libby Rothschild

Dietitian Boss is a podcast created by Libby Rothschild registered dietitian and founder of Dietitian Boss. This show is meant to inspire you to start and grow your private practice leveraging the power of social...

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Getting your business started and how 2 dietitian bosses did it

Episode #72

Have you been dreaming of starting your own business? Do you keep finding yourself stuck in finding the right time or wanting everything to be perfect? We’re here today to tell you that it there never really is a...
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Why you need to only work with the clients you want to work with

Episode #71

Today's episode is about working with who you want to work with. The first thing I want to say is to start with the end in mind when it comes to creating a service and experience, something that you're selling to your...
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Why putting your story out there might be what you need to connect with your ideal client with Amy Gianotti

Episode #70

Are you afraid to put your personal story out there on social media?  Are you worried that it will have people unfollow you or worry who will read your story? It is possible that by sharing your story that the right...
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Why bringing in your spouse can help you build to the next level with Tallene and Sirak Kalaygian

Episode #69

Have you considered asking your spouse to help within your business? Not sure how to ask or if they will want to help? Maybe you spend a lot of time doing tasks that they could be able to take off your plate. You...
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The Importance of Management and Leadership in Your Business with Megan Kniskern

Episode #68

Are you a dietetic student currently? Do you see the management and leadership course and cringe? It doesn’t have to be that way and the benefits of the course can be amazing! In today’s episode of Dietitian Boss, I...
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Knowing you can’t do it all on your own and bringing in others to help with Dr. Heather Finley

Episode #67

Are you ready to start your private practice? Maybe you already have, but find that you are still helping everyone or offering single sessions making it hard to scale? Are you worried that niching down will limit you...
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How to create your packages so clients won’t say they cost too much

Episode #66

Are you still offering single sessions? Are you in the beginning phase of your business and offer single sessions but know you don’t want to stay there? Are you ready to create packages, but you are worried you will...
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How important are contracts and do you have yours in place? – Danielle Liss

Episode #64

Are you just starting out as a dietitian and find yourself lost in the legal part of the contracts? Maybe you’ve been at this for a while and want to tighten up the legal end? No matter where you are in your business...
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Finding your niche and it feels so right with Emily Kyle

Episode #63

Is your passion in an area that isn’t fully accepted yet? Do you worry that pursuing your true passion could jeopardize your job if your boss doesn’t approve? Are you ready to turn your side hustle into your full-time...
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Is niching down the right step for you to take your business to the next level with Dalina Soto

Episode #61

Are you afraid of niching down? Do you feel a need to help everyone so you resist the thought of niching down? Not only is it possible to niche down and still help people, but you may also find it is the best possible...
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Becoming the Dietitian Boss you know you were born to be with Lauren Smith

Episode #60

Are you ready to have the business of your dreams? Are you looking to become the Dietitian Boss you know you can be, but find yourself doubting that you can do this full time and create a sustainable income? Well, we...
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It’s time to stop making excuses and start your business with Libby Rothschild

Episode #59

Do you find yourself making excuses for why you can’t start your business now? Feel like you need to have everything perfect before you can really jump in? You’re not alone, but you can do this even if you feel things...
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